Building a Level: Sci-Fi Control Room
The first environment I made was a sci-fi inspired control room, full of computers and giant vats of glowing liquid.
This process took a few hours, as I added details to many of the floor and wall pieces by shrinking and placing other assets on them to give them some dimension.
I built the floor first, adding accents to various pieces to break up the monotony
Next, I brought walls up around that floor plane.
These walls were boring. Without variance in depth the level feels off and unrealistic.
So next, I added columns around the room.
The extra depth and support from the columns starts to make this space feel believable.
Moving on from columns a made a few archways for the hallway leading into the main chamber.
Next, The ceiling comes on!
Now to start filling the room!
I added several sci-fi themed computer elements, as well as some large vats.
Finally, I created a door to enter this space at the mouth of the hallway
This level still needs lighting and performance optimizations, but the core static elements have been placed!
To wrap it all up, I added colliders to all relevant surfaces and spaces, turning off their mesh renderers to hide them from the player!
Next time, I will be covering the different pipelines for lighting and trying each one for this worldspace!