Building and Testing: How to create the playable .exe (Game Dev Day 30)
Objective: Create a playable build of the project for user testing
Turning a Unity project into a playable product is rather straightforward process. It is important to create builds and test them to ensure that there are no issues on the end user’s side. Sometimes issue are not present or very difficult to identify until you build your game and actually try it.
In order to create the build itself, open the Build Settings menu
Make sure you have the scenes you want selected for the player to use. In my example, I have the Main Menu and the actual playable level.
You can also pick what type of export you want, if you are creating projects for console or mobile devices. In this example I will be using the PC option.
Click the Build button and designate a place to save your build on your PC.
Unity will spend some time compiling (based on the quantity of content and your processor). Once it is done, navigate to the directory you chose to install the build to and open the .exe file. Your game should open and be playable!