Changing Skies in Unity: Unique Skyboxes
By default, you cannot make much headway editing the skybox in Unity. This is due to the skybox’s material being hard set. All you need is a new material and you can edit to your heart’s content!
First off, create a new material (skybox_mat) and place it in your materials folder (make this folder if you do not already have it, organization is key)
Now open up your lighting window. If you do not have it up, it can be found under Window > Rendering > Lighting
Now in the Environment tab, drag your skybox_mat into the “Skybox Material” slot.
Now you can make several edits to the skybox!
Edits must be made the the skybox_mat, but they will automatically apply to the worldspace!
It isn’t too obvious in an interior space, so check outside your building and play with the settings!