Getting Good at Git Part 1(Game Dev Day 1)
Before we can begin creating memorable experiences for consumers, we must first ensure we have the tools for the task ahead. One inordinately important tool for any developer is GitHub, and by extension, Git itself. Get Git here and make an account!
Git is a methodology for sharing development with others, as well as creating different versions of a project. It is imperative to understand basic functions of Git now, as it will save you hours of time over the course of your projects.
First things first, lets create a new repository. This is just a fancy word for the location that your project is going to reside. Go ahead and click on “New” next to repository now!
Now we have some setting to go through. First off name your repository. This is usually just the name of your project. Go ahead and give it a description now as well.
Next, go ahead and set the project as public or private. This is up to you are the owner of the project. This determines who can see the project without an invitation.
Assuming you are using Unity, you want to make sure to add a .gitignore and choose the Unity option from the dropdown box.
You’re all set to create your new repository!