Post Processing and You — Creating a Post Processing Profile!
Post processing is a development process done towards the end of overall production. It is the routine of editing and adding effects and visuals to generate a “feel” of the game.
Unity has a built in post processing system, but it is not installed by default. Today, I will cover how to install it, as well as setting up post processing for the editing process.
Next, we need to create a new layer specifically for post processing. We can do this by going to layers on in Inspector, and in the drop-down menu selecting “Add Layer”
Once post processing is installed in your project, go to your main camera and add a new post processing layer component.
Now we create an empty game object to hold our post processing volume.
Make sure to let the layer to Post Processing in the Inspector, then add a Post Processing Volume.
And that’s it! Play around with the settings and see if you can get the effects you want, Bloom and Color Grading are great places to start. Tomorrow, I will be breaking down some parts in more detail as I build my post processing volume for the space shooter!